Friday, November 2, 2012

Office philosophy

As a person from the Engg background I have always taken pride in looking at everything from the technical standpoint and trying to make choices based on logic and reasoning but sometimes a simple event in life appears in such unguardedmoment that you feel disparaged and often times begin to admonish your inability to comprehend things or even worseyou defy your own very code of decision making process.
It is 10am and very bright and beautiful Friday morning outside my office window and in one of the rarest moments I am feelingquite motivated to work and as a consequence I happen to write an email to one of my colleagues and wrote quite a good email consisting of marked down questions in bold bullet points trying to exhibit myself as a very analytical and quite focused on my work but of course in my vain attempt. I finish typing andreview the mail and feel good that I wrote quite a crisp email and I begin to press ‘send’ button. But there comes a momentwhen I hit send button a new window pops up like the one below
And here I am sitting utterly confused, totally clueless and frozen thinking what the hell on the earth am I supposed to do. Imight decide one of the easiest options of not making a decision and just click OK irrespective of what outcome I will get but the moment I drag my mouse near the ‘ok’ tab I get this metaphysical question ‘Am I ready to defy the wisdom ofmaking a decision based on logic and reasoning just because I am lethargic or have I come to an agreement that the cost ofanalyzing an outcome like this in particular (what output format my mail will be) does not justify the time and effort.
In either cases I have sufficient reason to believe that either selective applied reasoning  is also a part of qualitative reasoning or a more radical approach would be is to believe thatmay be reasoning is not always a good choice to make a decision.
In this case, I don’t know what does each option mean and I don’t think that most people know or want to know and not even sure why there is an option to bring more complexity in life of a common working Man. My question to you is this not a mockery and an arrogance by ‘IT fiefdom’ laughing over the situation they put a normal pc user everyday and making surethat we rely on their world of obscurity.
As I sit down more writing about it I am tending to gravitatemore towards philosophical question that isn’t obscurity and complexity creating more polarized society and disintegratingthe whole social fabric into chaos and linguistic challenge. I metpeople from different industry and I feel is true. The more we think the more challenging and pertinent questions we face.

For the moment I will give in to the trap which has been laid out for me and will agree to be a victim of somebody’s sadistic pleasure by clicking ‘OK’ and then clicking ‘OK’ again when it prompts me a new popup ‘Are you sure you want to proceed?’.