I have made my priority list as follows:
§ Learn business very fast and keep boss happy: In my company there are very few people and they are doing lots of work, competition is intense and the only thing which matters here is doing right things right. So i can’t let people take me for granted because i can’t afford to.
§ Start APICS CPIM prep from May: I had been waiting to get this certification from long time but due to placements i had to give it a miss.But come this June, I am hell bent on clearing my CPIM anyhow. Life will be much tougher from May because as it is i don’t get time to think anything for 5days a week and on top of that i will have a responsibility to slog hours each night to sit and study for the exam. Hard times are on cards but i am not afraid. This too shall pass and the result will be sweeter. My motivation is very simple. I am absolutely beyond doubt now that the importance and recognition of CPIM is very high in industry. I got so far here is only a livid example of CPIM.
§ Be frugal for another 2months: I am living this entire month on my last half month salary, next month I have to pay the rent and deposit along with the APICS exam fee. That will leave me with no savings so I will not have room to splurge here for another few months to come.
Message for tonight: Exceed Expectations. Always!